Thankful at Thanksgiving

We’ve made our “final” move of the year to Biloxi and are set up for Winter in the warmth. (Well, warmer than it is in Minnesota for sure!)

As we begin to think of all we are thankful for this year, there are so many memories that come to mind. The new states we have visited, the new people we have met, spending time with our family and friends and the amazing sights we have seen. To say we are thankful for this experience is a complete understatement. Thanksgiving dinner may look a little different for us this year, (see the shrimp picture above), but it still comes with gratitude.

Prior to moving to Biloxi from St. Augustine last week, we did a quick run back to Minnesota. Fall with our kids in Minnesota is something we found ourselves missing soooooo much, we loaded the car with clothes and puppies and headed back. We spent an amazing week visiting with family and then headed right back to the warmth. Just one more memory to add to an overflowing list.

After our first stay in Biloxi in September, we decided having beach access within walking distance was a top priority for us this winter. We have found a park just down from our previous one that is far less expensive and bonus of bonus’s, we are now much closer to Keesler, AFB. We can indeed confirm that Reveille is played each weekday at 5:30 AM and Retreat is done at 5 PM. After spending all our years in the Navy, it actually feels a little like coming back home and yes, we can hear it plain as day if we are outside during those times. We also have a train that makes runs several times a day behind us and really, really, really, likes to blow the whistle ALOT through the entire run through the city! It’s not surprising that we hardly hear any type of road traffic in this new spot. With the beach just across the street from us, we couldn’t be happier with our new location and the reminiscent noise around us.

To say “Thank You” to all the family and friends that have supported us through this journey, to those that have welcomed us into this new and ever-changing lifestyle, to be so grateful to our kids for their ongoing support and love, can in no way sum up how we are feeling this year at Thanksgiving. Our hearts are overflowing with love and gratitude and we love you all right back.

As we travel around the Gulf Coast, we’ll continue to provide updates on what we are seeing and experiencing. Having a home base for the next few months is really nice for us and we are looking forward to being “put” for a while. If you ever wondered what winter would be like in Mississippi, stay tuned, or better yet, come see us.

See ya on the road,

Dave and Theresa

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