
If the camper is a rocking……. We have all heard that saying.  Problem is, I don’t want my camper to rock.  Not when we are walking around in it, not when I am doing laundry and no, the rocking does not improve our “quality” time together either.  The sofa I sit on is at the very back of our RV and Dave is a leg jiggler.  You guessed it; I feel it every time he jiggles those legs.  We now install these X-chocks between our tires and the amount of motion has significantly been reduced.  I especially notice it when doing laundry and when Dave is walking around.  I won’t tell you it takes out all the movement, but it definitely has removed about 90% of it for me.  We also purchased a second wrench so when installing them, we each do a side once we are level.  Just remember to remove them before hooking anything back up.