Hurricane Season in Florida

It’s still hurricane season in Southwest Florida and for us, this is a first, ever. Ian is headed our way. Almost directly into the park we have been staying/working at for the last month.

Being from Minnesota, we know how to deal with tornados, sleet, snow, ice storms and even blizzards. Understanding a 10′ surge of water rushing at you, is a whole new weather phenomenon for us. First thing to say, is we are away from the coast. Lover’s Key state park has closed and we have all been evacuated from the location. As I am looking at the picture of our last beautiful sunset there, I am wondering what we will return to, if we can even return after Ian is done with it.

Dave and I headed east yesterday, and are located just on the northeast side of Lake Okeechobee in Moore Haven, FL. We are still under a tropical storm warning here but are away from any water surges and the majority of the big, 100 MPH winds that are forecasted to hit our little Lover’s Key state park. Our biggest concern in this area, are tornados and at least we know what to expect and how to handle those while living in an RV.

Keeping our positivity hats on our heads always, I can say the bugs (no-seeums), are much less abundant at our new location and we are actually looking forward to seeing the US’s second largest freshwater lake contained entirely within the contiguous 48 states. (Lake Michigan is number 1). (Yes, that’s a Wikipedia fact, LOL!)

We aren’t sure how long we will be here, probably at least for a week. Dave’s dad and wife have sheltered with some friends out of the worst projected surge, so they are fairly safe, and we are hopeful we can get back to our little park once all this has passed. Dave and his dad have been golfing on Mondays, and Barbara and I doing our little side trips on our days together. It’s been an enjoyable fall with them and we look forward to continuing to make those memories.

I’ll continue to provide updates as I can, on our website or through facebook. We do know that during the worst of it, we will most likely lose our power, water and internet services, which is probably for the next couple of days. In that event, we’ve filled our freshwater tank, the generator is ready to run and if we have to get out of here, the truck is full of diesel and is one of the safest vehicles we can be in during the worst of it.

Our kids know how to contact us, because now they check on us and ask if we are making good decisions, rather than the other way around. (Makes me smile just thinking of that for some reason! LOL!!!!!!) For all our other family and friends, stay safe yourselves and know no matter what, Dave and I are still in this together and wouldn’t want to be any other place than right where we are, right now. We got this.

See ya on the road, (or maybe not in this case)

Dave and Theresa

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