A Beautiful Minnesota Fall
Look at that cover photo! This was taken on “guys weekend” at the family cabin and while I am not sure who took it, I find it to sum up our fall experience perfectly. I’m not even sure how we got so lucky to hit Minnesota during the peak fall color season, but we nailed it this year. As we drive around it seems all the trees are changing their colors at the same time and each day just keeps getting more and more stunning and brighter.
Fall Flowers

Knowing I have a love of gardening, I am always so in awe of the flowers that will continue to bloom even as the trees are starting their yearly deep sleep, and transition to winter. I enjoy the deep colors of fall and when you can add in that last touch of summer beauty to the backdrop of the trees, I can only sigh with gratitude at nature’s bounty.
Peak colors

There’s a road we drive almost every day from east to west. As each day has passed, the amount of color has continued to increase until it’s at the point, where I have to pull over and just let myself become enveloped in the peace and beauty surrounding me. Yes, half the time I do just sit in the car and take it all in rather than take photos.

So, colors aside, we really came back to meet our new granddaughter that was born in July of this year. Can you say Grandpa is wrapped around her little finger? Not having any girl’s, ourselves, Dave is completely taken with this new female in our family. “In” love is the appropriate word for him and his granddaughter and I can’t wait to see what the future will hold for these two.
Our grandson is “all of a sudden”, 6 months old and seeing the changes that have occurred and the new skills he has developed in just a couple weeks while we are here, is amazing to watch. Brings back all kinds of memories of our boys at that age. Grandma might be a little obsessed with him and re-living all those amazing moments of when our sons were that age. I see a big sandbox in his future and lots of building waterways to flow through the sand with him and Grandma right in the middle of it all.

We feel very fortunate to have been able to spend two weeks back here in Minnesota although primarily with our family. My brother and sister-in-law had us stay in their fifth wheel and while it isn’t our Homer, we have been very comfortable and feel right at home once again. We really do love this full-time living and even though we will miss everyone, we are ready to head back south to our warm winter and our “homer” and continue our full-time adventures.
See ya on the road,
Dave and Theresa